Banc à Marteler avec Xylophone

Pounding sends the balls tinkling over the xylophone. Pull out the keyboard and the xylophone can be played solo.2012 marks a new dawning for Educo, nearly 30 years after its conception, as it evolves and re-launches with a fresh new identity as Hape and a new refrain ‘Love Play. Learn’. ?We believe children do not play to learn; children learn because they play?. Their toys are created to inspire play, learning and exploration of the world we live in. Hape also believes that the future begins – and belongs – to our children. They feel it is their duty to leave them with infinite possibilities, not unsolvable problems. Hape work to very high standards and consider the environment at every stage in the development of their award winning toys. They use FSC accredited wood, carry out rigorous safety checks on every toy and promote fair and ethical working practices.
Descriptif produit: Martelez le boîtier et les boules se mettront à tinter sur le xylophone. Retirez le clavier et le xylophone pourra être utilisé de manière autonome.
Age minimum : 12 mois

Picture of Sonia
Maman de 3 garçons, je partage nos idées d'activités et de jeux. À l'origine du site unjourunjeu et du magazine en ligne Les P'tits Ouistitis.